What Redfish Provides

Asset Management
At Redfish Capital we tailor a unique portfolio management style based off the data results from our intensive financial planning process. These portfolios may include individual equities, ETF’s, mutual funds, individual tax-free municipal bonds, US Government treasury and agency bonds and high-grade corporate bonds. At times we may utilize specific alternative investments for diversification as well as private placements including real estate.
Accounting Services
There is an undeniable power in knowledge, experience and trust. Providing Certified Accounting services to businesses and Individuals fostering confidence in your numbers. We are Building professional relationships founded on trust, communication and respect. Equipped with experts that assist with making critical business decisions.Every day is an opportunity to cultivate long term, reliable relationships.

Preparation and Planning
Effective financial planning and preparation are the cornerstones of sound investment strategy at Redfish Capital. This meticulous process involves a comprehensive analysis of an individual’s financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. By thoroughly assessing these elements, we are able to construct tailored portfolios that align with each client's unique needs and objectives. This preparation not only enhances the potential for achieving desired financial outcomes but also provides a clear roadmap for navigating the complexities of the financial markets.